
What are the Causes of Sciatica

What are the Causes of Sciatica?

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The doctors at Dunnellon Chiropractic treat many patient's for this condition and are often asked what are the causes of sciatica.  Sciatica is merely a symptom (pain down the leg) it could also be numbness, tingling,
which we term parasthesias or it could also be weakness in the leg or lower extremity, typically the back, what
we call the posterior aspect of the leg. Sciatica is basically from, caused by, irritation of a nerve which is
the Sciatic Nerve. And that nerve is made up of 5 nerve roots from the spine. Now, it has many causes that can cause these types of symptoms. One of them, Basically, one of the first ones I'll speak about is Piriformis Syndrome. That is from a muscle which is located in your buttocks. Sometimes, that Piriformis muscle can irritate that Sciatic Nerve. That's one cause. The second cause can be from a disc problem or a disc abnormality. The discs between the spine are the cushions can actually bulge, which means they swell. They can herniate, where part of the material actually comes out of the disc. That's termed a Herniation. Or they can rupture. And those disc problems can cause Sciatica as well. Another cause of Sciatica is what we call Spinal Stenosis. Which is where you get a narrowing within the spinal canal or a narrowing around those nerve roots that can actually cause Sciatica. Typically, that's from Arthritis, from what we call Spurs, or Osteophytes. Also, there is another cause which could be Spondylolisthesis, where one of the bones has actually shifted, that can cause the Sciatic like symptoms as well. And Lastly, we have what we call Subluxation. Subluxation is when the bones, as though similar to the Spondylolisthesis, where the bones shift out of place and they irritate or pinch one of those nerves. Now, the Sciatic nerve is basically the largest nerve in the body and it's a conglomerate of 5 nerve roots.  As you can see here, This right here is the Sciatic nerve and that nerve goes down the back of your leg. Again, keep in mind, Sciatica is merely a symptom and it's a symptom of pain down the leg or numbness or tingling or weakness. We have many different therapies and treatments for sciatica. Of course, we first have to find out what is the cause. Basically, that is about it for today's video. If you would like to know more about Sciatica, What it is, what the causes are and treatments,

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If you or someone you know is suffering with Sciatica, Call our office at: 352-489-2995 to see if we can help!

By: Cheryl Stanley

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